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Contact Info

The Canada- Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce& Industry (CACCI) represents the joint Trade facilitator of Business to Business around the global for member’s organization / Companies in the General Activities of CACCI.

CACCI is independent nan-profits, nonpolitical and Non-governmental organization operating in Afghanistan, working for economic and commercial development, according to the government law and policies.

Being a member of CACCI enable you to participate, and present your business organization in global business networking, especially in working groups. Composed of business exports who regularly meet to scrutinize proposed international and government initiatives effecting their subject areas. Member of CACCI learning about important issues for their promotion of production companies, Export and import facilitation at an early stages, which helps them to develop policy and make strategic decisions.

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About Us

Canada-Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CACCI) is formed to strengthen business to business linkage and network between entrepreneurs, corporations, business companies, and traders in Afghanistan and Canada.

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